7.1 Environment Consciousness
7.1.1 Does the Institute conduct a Green Audit of its campus and facilities?
Yes , The Institute Conducts A Green Audit Programme To Clean The Campus.
7.1.2 What are the initiatives taken by the college to make the campus eco-friendly?
Energy conservation
Electrical equipment is used only when required. To promote the eco friendly atmosphere, plantation programms are conducted every year in the campus.
Use of renewable energy
There is low possibility for waste of non-renewable energy.
Water harvesting
Water pits are dug to collect rain water
Check dam construction
There is no feasibility and inevitability to construct a check dam.
Efforts for Carbon neutrality
The college surroundings are covered with green fields and plantations which helps to supply of oxygen and to maintain carbon neutrality. Waste plants and dry leaves
are being converted as compost .
Every year new saplings are planted with the help of forest department and NSS volunteers.
Hazardous waste management
To keep the campus pollution free, the usage of plastic is prohibited as it is a great hazard to the environment. Students are also advised not to use plastic carry bags and other plastic related material. If any of such hazardous material waste is found it is collected disposed off to a safe place.
e-waste management
From electronic goods and computers e-waste material are taken out of the college and disposed off at a safe place.
? e-waste management
from electronic goods and computers e-waste material are taken out of
the college and disposed off at a safe place.
7.2 Innovations
7.2.1Give details of innovations introduced during the last four years which have created a positive impact on the functioning of the college.
For improving the qualitative functioning Several innovations were introduced in the last few years. Some of them are;
- Peer teaching is being practiced with sufficient emphasis.
- Special drives were conducted by JKC to create opportunities for students employability.
- Woman students are encouraged to take part in sports and games in more number.
- The college conducts health camps every year for the students to know their general health status and to identify their blood groups.
The innovative practices such as the above, have created a positive impact on students as well as teachers and the learning climate of the college has significantly enhanced.
7.3 Best Practices
7.3.1 Elaborate on any two best practices in the given format at page no. 98, Which have contributed to the achievement of the Institutional Objectives and/or contributed to the Quality improvement of the core activities of the college.
Title : Financial Assistance to Poor & Needy Students
Goal :
The Primary goal of this best practice is to provide financial assistance to bright students but they are financially poor i.e. without availing any type of scholarships.
This college staff identifies the students those who are in need, Poor and excellent in studies and lacks external financial support from the funds donated by Sneha Walkers Club & CPDC members of the college.
Practice :
The staff members of this college collects the funds from other donors and distribute to the poor & needy students.
Evidence of Success:
Students who have benefitted from this practice are well in their studies and came out of financial tensions.
Problems Encountered Resources Required:
The funds are not sufficient to reach this goal. The purpose of this practice may be fulfilled if many philanthropists to come forward and gave donations to students.
Notes (Optional) :
Students are rural back ground and below poverty level and also they don't have any financial support in order to support & motivate the students to higher education, the institute is implementing this as a best practice.
Title - II : Clean & Green
Goal :
To keep the campus clean & green.
The Content :
As the call given by Government of Andhra Pradesh the college embarrassed clean & green as a best practice as it is a public funded institution.
The Practice :
Every last Saturday of the month is devoted to clean & green practice all the teaching, Non teaching staff & Students an enthusiastically participatory in this programme.
Evidence of Success :
Students and staff are voluntarily participating in this practice as they believe that cleaning premises of the college.
Problems encountered resources required :
The college is situated in nearest of Ceramic factory and there is no compound wall and no watch man dampens the spirit of this practice.
Westgodavari Narayanapuram-West Godavari