Terms & Conditions
This service is being provided subject to all Indian laws, rules and regulations.
  • The subscriber is required to fully comply with the provisions of the Indian Telegraph Act 1885, Indian Telegraph rules and Information Technology Act 200 & 2008 made there under and any amendments or replacement made there from time to time.
  • University of Mysore Wireless (Wi-Fi) Network will be responsible only for carrying data packets and is not responsible for its nature of content. The subscriber guarantees that the service will not be used for any immoral or unlawful or socially unacceptable purposes as stipulated from time to time by Govt of India and rules and regulations of University of Mysore.
  • The subscriber hereby confirms that all information provided by him in respect to his/ her use of University of Mysore Wi-Fi services is true and accurate to the best of his/her knowledge and belief.
  • It shall be the duty of subscriber to protect and keep the password protected, safe and secured and not to share the same with any third party.
  • The subscriber is solely responsible for the security if his/her password and for all transactions undertaken by him using his/her password through University of Mysore Wi-Fi services.